Inara is the stylish one in the family...she never goes anywhere without being fully accessorized. One of her favorite things is her selection of Lupine collars, leads and harnesses. They always have what she wants, and since Red Rover sells Lupine, it's easy for her to be a slave to Lupine fashion!
To see all of Lupine's products check the link below. But come to Red Rover to order! Inara's current favorites are the "Jelly Roll" pattern and the "Tickled Pink for when she's in a girly mood. Lupine-Inara's pick for the best accessories!
Only the best for the Reds of Red Rover...each of them have a pair of Doggles to wear when out in the sun...whether they're at the beach or an outside doggy event. Inara knows how to stay stylish and protect her eyes! Doggles...sunglasses for dogs!
Here's a link to some really fab-u-lous leashes, that are all handmade by a friend of Inara's...